Brand identity and motion system, Packaging design
Role: Brand Strategy, Identity Designer, Motion Designer
Kodak faced significant challenges and a decline in its market share, particularly with the advent of digital photography. This identity system aims to revive the heritage and legacy of Kodak in the photography industry while showcasing its ongoing innovation in image-making technology in the modern era with the Kodak Moment campaign.
The idea of the logo is derived from Kodak's slogan—Kodak Moment and it's used as a container for images to showcase captured moments. The rectangle’s aspect ratio comes from a ratio of traditional photos, taking both a retro and modern feel. Promotional Posters are designed to showcase photographers (mainly featuring Chogiseok, and Dina Alfasi in this academic project) and the Kodak Moment campaign. Pixel stretch treatments and graphic movement of lines are used to convey the scanning process of photography and to promote Kodak's new innovative digital printing technologies.